Several development challenges can be detected in the tourism of the cross-border region that connect two sister cities – Osijek and Subotica. These include lack of funds for reconstruction of cultural heritage, lack of management and marketing skills, low awareness on tourism resources of the wider region, lack of know-how in tourist product development and promotion and lack of quality tourism products that integrate offer on cbc level. There is also lack of information and market visibility of valuable cultural heritage based on Art Noveau or Seccession period that connect and make the dominant visual identity of two cities. Osijek and Subotica are also seated in the regions that fall into a category of lagging behind regions on EU level. Valorisation of joint cultural heritage through tourism presents an opportunity for growth and generation of new employment possibilities. Project aims to develop, integrate, manage and promote joint cultural tourism product based on Secession through the revitalization of cultural heritage and establishment and promotion of new cultural heritage route that connect Osijek and Subotica. Project outputs will be revitalized Osijek Seccesion park, created preconditions for reconstruction of Subotica City Hall as important Secession period building, created local and new cross-border thematic tourist route/product, increased market visibility of joint tourist products and increased capacities of cultural and tourism stakeholders in management and promotion of cultural heritage. Main target groups benefiting from the project are tourists, local community, disabled people and tourism service providers. Direct target groups involved in the project are tourist guides and operators, tourism and culture sector stakeholders, visitors, artists and other cultural stakeholders. The cross-border impact of the project is development of new cross-border tourism product, joint tourist route connecting Secession heritage of both cities.