S.T.A.R. is a comprehensive project aiming to create a “shared knowledge in the Adriatic tourist area”, where the combination of ICT and tourist information can be the key for innovation and support for better and more efficient and sustainable tourism policies within the Adriatic Area. In the present economic crisis governments need to define new economic policies and ways to cooperate with one-another, in order to identify innovative, low impact strategies for social cohesion and economic growth. The creation of communication networks in tourism can improve relations and create new, useful forms of integration for the sustainable growth of the Adriatic economy. In this contest, S.T.A.R. objective is to integrate existing communication and information networks, with new functionalities developed through a common methodological approach. This will allow to gain access to tourist information and develop new common e-services, exchange statistical data and reports. Specifically, STAR will improve the collection and management of the tourist data and the existing web applications creating a “Tourism Portal of the Adriatic Area” containing them. Thanks to STAR project, Public Administrations and tourism firms will have a higher quality information set (demand/supply, environmental, labour force, customer satisfaction), easier and more effective tools for data transmission, a less statistical burden and a greater cost savings in data management. Citizens, students, researchers will access to periodic tourism reports, geo-referencing of accommodations and services. The project is build jointly from 10 Partners from 5 countries of the IPA Adriatic cooperation area (Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Greece, Croatia) under the leadership of the Emilia-Romagna Region and will last 30 months. Project’s activities will be implemented through a concrete collaboration among all Beneficiaries and involving, from its start, all the relevant stakeholders (enterprises, business organizations, institutions etc.) through seminars, dissemination activities and promotional materials (website, brochures, e-newsletters, CD). Agreements will be signed with key bodies (i.e. EUROSTAT). Demonstration actions will be implemented including training materials and courses for firms, business organizations and Public Administrations in order to allow a concrete and durable effective use of web applications and e-services. Main outputs will be: new functionalities of the web applications, the “Tourist Portal of the Adriatic Area”, a shared methodology and indicators to collect and mange common tourist data set, reports, training courses. Partners deem it strategic to maintain the tourism Portal of the Adriatic Area and its functionalities after project end. In this respect, they will continue the activities after project’s end. All Beneficiaries will continue to supply information for the Portal and update the services. The Emilia-Romagna Region will continue to coordinate and manage the Portal guaranteeing the institutional and financial sustainability. An Operating Plan for potential future directions after project’s closure and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed by STAR’s Beneficiaries during the final conference.