Aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel) are crucial for infrastructure and construction. SEE countries are rich in aggregates, but supply is not coordinated within or across the area. Challenges are illegal and damaging quarries, unreclaimed sites, limited recycling and community opposition. Fulfilling demand requires efficient and sustainable supply chain (planning, extraction, transport, use and recycling), and socio-eco friendly quarrying, to preclude opposition to extraction, supply bottlenecks, and restricted growth. Main objectives of the project are to develop common approach to sustainable aggregate resource management (SARM) and sustainable supply mix (SSM) planning, at three scales, to ensure efficient and secure supply in SEE. Specific objectives include capacity building, information infrastructure creation, and planning for a Regional Centre on SARM and SSM. Local, site-level activities will focus on environmentally friendly extraction through best practices, reducing illegal quarrying, and recycling to reducing use of primary aggregates. Region/national activities will create a SARM framework for effective management, and define SSM, as well as recommend how to integrate SSM into planning and legislation. Transnational activities focus on harmonization of relevant policies and legislation across SEE, information transfer, and creation of an Aggregates Intelligence System. The project builds the foundation for a Regional Centre on sustainable aggregates management and supply. Main outputs will include capacity building materials: printed materials (manuals) on (1) local level aggregate operation improvements, (2) regional, national and transnational policy, legislation, management and supply mix, (3) C & D waste management, tools, methods (e.g. life cycle analysis); and regional, national and transnational events. Results will include use of best practices, adoption of SARM and SSM, harmonized policies, and ongoing collaboration among partners.