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Results For : BESTPRACTICE - PROJECTS (25049 )

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Plan for the promotion, enhancement and research of the cultural heritage of the fortified historic centers of the Spanish-Portuguese transboundary space.
The project enhances the cultural, architectural and ethnological heritage of the historic fortified ...


Cross-border Support Centers for the Innovative Entrepreneur
CETEIs creates a network for the provision of services for entrepreneurship and innovation in the S ...


Consolidación da rede de cidades do Eixo Atlântico


Recursos para el desarrollo transfronterizo de empresas biotecnológicas


Environmental assessment and integrated management of water and inhabitants in the Bajo Guadiana cross-border
The VALAGUA project involves different sectors to promote water quality and the protection and valor ...


Project of cross-border cooperation for the introduction of the ecological and circular economy through the prevention, improvement of recycling, management and recovery of waste, in the regi


Spain and Portugal Business Angels Cross-border Network
The network wants to function as a catalyst of both the OFFER and the DEMAND of capital, to facilita ...


Improvement of research capacities in biomass, for an optimized energy use of Non-Valorized but High Potential Biomass in the Euroregion


Iberlinx - Acção territorial transfronteiriça de conservação do lince – ibérico


Protection and Conservation of Migrating Fish in the International Section of the Miño River and its Tributaries
MIGRA MINO - MINHO seeks to improve the protection of the fluvial habitat of the sub-basin of the in ...

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