Common research project regarding the drought tolerance to some maize genotypes cultivated in the western side of Romania and the north-east of Hungary

Informazzjoni bażika

  • Bidu ppjanat tal-proġett 01.11.2009 Tmiem mistenni tal-proġett 31.05.2011
  • Tul ta 'żmien 18 (Xahar (i))


  • Baġit Totali tal-Programm 451000 Proġett ta 'Finanzjament mill-UE 382602 Perċentwali: 85



    bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda dokument disponibbli għal din ir-rekord
Common research project regarding the drought tolerance to some maize genotypes cultivated in the western side of Romania and the north-east of Hungary

Proġett - Statistika

  • Maħluq fi
  • Modifikat fi15.12.2023 00:33:09
  • Numru totali ta 'klikks6
  • Ikklikkja llum0
  • Klikks din il-ġimgħa0
  • Klikks dan ix-xahar0
  • Immarkat minn oħrajn 0

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