Hawnhekk elenkajna l-fondi kollha tal-UE - Proġetti għall-kriterji li għażilt. Dejja l-għażla aktar billi tuża l-filtri fiż-żona fuq ix-xellug

Lura għall-filtri

Riżultati Għal: BESTPRACTICE - PROġETTI (25049 )

Irranġa skond:


Autoimmunity: Computer Aided Diagnosis
Italo-Tunisian cooperation for research and innovation in the health sector through the application ...


Analisi Integrata dl Sistema Costiero: aspetti geomorfologici, climatici, vegetazionali e antropici. Studi empirici nei litorali della Provincia di Livorno e della Corsica

A.M.A.L.P.I 18

Alps in Movement, Movement in the Alps. Piuro 1618-2018
The project will increase the attractiveness of the Bregaglia-Valchiavenna-Moesa-Ticino territory by ...

A.M.A.L.P.I 18

Alps in Movement, Movement in the Alps. Piuro 1618-2018
The project will increase the attractiveness of the Bregaglia-Valchiavenna-Moesa-Ticino territory by ...


Ambiente, Multimedialità, Internet, Collaborazione, Ospitalità


Punic, Hellenistic and Roman Domestic architecture: safeguard and development
The project is based on the conservation and development of the involved archaeological and architec ...


Learn to produce green
APP VER wants to create the bases of a system of education and cross-border professional formation, ...

A.R.CO. A.T.

Adriatic Regions Counterguarantee Fund - Technical Assistance

A.R.CO. F.

Adriatic Regions Counterguarantee Fund


Art and Restoration, Italy-Albania Laboratory

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