Deskrizzjoni qasira tad-ditta ta' konsulenza
REGIOSTARS awards have become Europe´s label of excellence for EU-funded projects, which demonstrate innovative and inclusive approaches to regional development. Each year hundreds of projects compete in five categories:
1. Smart Europe,
2. Green Europe,
3. Fair Europe,
4. Urban Europe, and
5. the topic of the year.
By bringing about solutions to common challenges and tapping into the biggest opportunities, the REGIOSTARS have inspired regions to deliver evermore-impactful EU regional policy.
Informazzjoni bażika
- Perjodu: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 [Id-9 Perjodu ta 'Finanzjament tal-UE (2021-2027)]
Strateġiji tal-UESitt von der Leyen prijoritajiet tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea
- Tip ta 'Finanzjament Prize
- Sejjaħ Totalbudget 1
- 3
- -2
Baġits annwali:
2021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 1
- rata massima ta’ rimborż tal-UE 1.00%
Informazzjoni dettaljata
Informazzjoni addizzjonali dwar il-mira tal-Programm#
Kriterji tal-GħotiImpact and dissemination , Financial quality , Transferability , Citizen engagement & involvement , Innovation
Kundizzjonijiet tal-proġett
Programm | Prijoritajiet tas-SejħaSMART Europe: Increasing the competitiveness of local businesses in a digital world , GREEN Europe: Green and resilient communities in urban and rural setting , FAIR Europe: Fostering inclusion and anti-discrimination , URBAN Europe: Promoting green, sustainable and circular food systems in functional urban areas , TOPIC OF THE YEAR: Enhancing green mobility in the regions; European Year of Rail 2021 , priorities of the European Commission 2019-2024_
Dati, skadenzi u postijiet
- Ħin li jifdal sal-iskadenza 12 Xahar (i), 31 Jum (i), 0 Sigħat., 0 Minuti.
Sejħiet 1.Sejħa:
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