HORIZON EUROPE - II. Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness - Cluster 3 Civil Security for Society (9.FP | 2021-2027)
Kratek opis svetovalnega podjetja
The core task of the research cluster Civil Security for Society is to efficiently counter the rapidly increasing security threats to the citizens of Europe. Terrorist attacks, organized crime, illegal immigration, cyber attacks as well as natural and man-made disasters are putting increasing pressure on European society. In addition to technological solutions, especially against the threats of an increasingly complex and digitized society, social, cultural, historically evolved behaviour as well as ethical aspects of a balance between security and freedom must be taken into account in security research. In addition, Europe must guarantee its independence from safety-critical technologies.
Osnovni podatki
- Obdobje: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 [9. obdobje financiranja EU (2021–2027)]
Prejšnji program
HORIZON 2020 - I. Excellent Science (8.FP | 2014-2020)
Strategije EUMočnejša Evropa v svetu , Evropski zeleni dogovor (2019–2024) , Evropa, primerna za digitalno dobo , Spodbujanje našega evropskega načina življenja , 2050 long-term strategy , podnebni in energetski okvir do leta 2030 , Šest prednostnih nalog Evropske komisije von der Leyen
- Pokličite Totalbudget 1596000000
- 3
- 1595999997
Letni proračuni:
2021 12022 12023 12024 12025 12026 12027 1
- najvišja stopnja povračila v EU 100
Podrobne informacije
Dodatne informacije o ciljih programa#
Teme financiranja
Pogoji projekta
Projektne dejavnosti
Program | Prednostne kliceSDG Goal 16: Peace justice and strong institutions , priorities of the European Commission 2019-2024_
Ciljna skupina
Datumi, roki in lokacije
- Preostali čas do roka 12 Mesec (i), 31 Dnevi), 0 Ure., 0 Zapisnik.
klici 1.Pokliči: 2.Pokliči: 3.Pokliči:
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