
Single Market Programme (SMP | 2021-2027)

Kort beskrivelse af konsulentfirmaet

The Single Market Programme (SMP) was adopted on 28 April 2021. With EUR 4,208 million over the period 2021-2027, the SMP provides an integrated package to support and strengthen the governance and functioning of the Single Market.

The SMP includes a budget dedicated to actions in support of competition policy.

This Competition Programme will enable the Commission to directly support competition policy development and to ensure efficient, effective and relevant competition enforcement.

The SMP is a modern, simple and flexible programme, which consolidates a large range of activities that were previously financed separately, into one coherent programme. It will ensure continuity in the efficient delivery of the Single Market on the ground, while providing better value for money for EU citizens, and allow focus on priorities essential for the recovery.

Objectives The Single Market Programme will support:

  • Making the internal market work better including through improved market surveillance, as well as through enhanced competition policy that contributes to a level playing field and empowers businesses;
  • Improving the competitiveness of businesses, especially SMEs, to complement financial support offered through Invest EU; Ensuring the European standardisation and development of international financial and non-financial reporting and auditing standards;
  • Ensuring a high level of consumer protection and product safety, promoting the interests of consumers, including in financial services;
  • A high level of health for humans, animals and plants throughout the food chain; and Producing and communicating high-quality statistics on Europe.

Rationale behind SMP

  • The Single Market evolves constantly: adopting rules + making rules work in practice
  • Need for a strategic and integrated approach towards delivery of a well-functioning Single Market
  • Combining separate actions and 6 programmes allows to:
  • improve synergies, better coordinate actions
  • achieve better value for money
  • provide for greater visibility of the Single Market


  • Finansieringstype EU handlingsprogrammer (intern)
  • Ring til Totalbudget 4208000000
  • 1751000000
  • 2457000000
  • Årlige budgetter:
    2021 575000000
    2022 584000000
    2023 592000000
    2024 601000000
    2025 610000000
    2026 620000000
    2027 626000000
  • maksimal EU-godtgørelsessats 100

Datoer, frister og steder

  • Resterende tid indtil deadline 12 måned (er), 31 dage), 0 Timer., 0 Protokoller.
  • Tidslinje




  • Funding & Tender Portal
Single Market Programme (SMP | 2021-2027)


  • Oprettet den26.07.2020 00:00:00
  • Ændret den28.09.2024 16:08:34
  • Samlet antal klik106
  • Klik i dag1
  • Klik denne uge1
  • Klik denne måned5
  • Bogmærket af andre 2

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