ERA+ ADU KA1 2027
Erasmus+ Adult Education KeyAction 1 (ERA+ ADU KA1 | 2021-2027)
Krótki opis firmy doradczej
This action supports schools and other organizations active in the field of school education that want to organize learning
mobility activities for school pupils and staff.
A wide range of activities are supported, including job shadowing and professional development courses for staff, individual
and group mobility for pupils, invited experts, and other activities as explained below.
The participating organizations should actively promote inclusion and diversity, environmental sustainability and digital
education through their activities: by using the specific funding opportunities provided by the Programme for these
purposes, by raising awareness among their participants, by sharing best practices, and by choosing appropriate design for
their activities
Podstawowe informacje
- Kropka: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 [9. okres finansowania UE (2021-2027)]
- 0
- 0
Dodatkowe informacje o celu programuIn the field of adult education: (1) Organizations providing formal, informal and non-formal adult education50 (2) Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organizations with a role in the field of adult education
Tematy finansowania
Warunki projektu
Działania projektowe
Program | Priorytety połączeńpriorities of the European Commission 2019-2024_ , Inclusion and Diversity , Digital Transformation , Environment and fight against climate change , Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement
Motywy CC
Grupa docelowa
Wyniki projektu
Daty, terminy i lokalizacje
- Czas pozostały do terminu 12 miesięcy), 31 dni), 0 Godziny., 0 Minuty.
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