Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Challenges (2021-2027)
Scurtă descriere a firmei de consultanță
NDICI´s thematic pillar allocates financial support to human rights, democracy, civil society cooperation, stability, and peace activities. As those issues remain to be addressed at the global level it complements NDICI´s geographic pillar. There is a particular emphasis on global issues, such as health, education, empowering women/children and tackling migration and food insecurity.
Informații de bază
- Perioada: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 [A 9-a perioadă de finanțare UE (2021-2027)]
Strategii UEȘase priorități ale Comisiei Europene von der Leyen
- Tipul de finanțare Programele de acțiune ale UE (acțiuni externe)
- Apelați Totalbudget 3000000000
- 503701
- 2999496299
Bugete anuale:
2021 1234562022 2345672023 1456782024 4567892025 3678912026 6789122027 287000
- rata maximă de rambursare a UE 100
Informatii detaliate
Informații suplimentare despre obiectivul programului#
Subiecte de finanțare
Criterii de atribuireprogress towards democracy, rule of law, human rights, cooperation on migration and economic reforms
Condițiile proiectului
Program | Priorități de apelPlanet: enhance scientific, technical, human and institutional capacity for climate and environmental management , Prosperity: foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent employment , Health: Develop crucial elements of an effective and comprehensive health system , Education: Promote joint global efforts for inclusive and equitable quality education and training at all levels , Women and Children: support global efforts, partnerships and alliances to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls , Migration and forced displacement: Ensure continued EU leadership in shaping the global agenda on migration and forced displacement governance in all its dimensions , Decent work, social protection and inequality: Shape the global agenda and support initiatives on the integration of a strong pillar on equity and social justice in accordance to European values , Culture: Promote initiatives for cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue for peaceful inter-community relations , Local Partnerships: Strengthen the role of Local Authorities as actors of development , priorities of the European Commission 2019-2024_
Grupuri țintă
Date, termene și locații
- Timp rămas până la termen 12 luni), 31 zi (s), 0 Ore., 0 Minute.
Apeluri 1.Apel:
momentan nu există documente disponibile pentru această înregistrare
- Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
- ANNEXES to the Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument
- Questions and answers: the EU budget for external action in the next Multiannual Financial Framework
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