The project strategy is: - Promote sustainable development of the border area trough economic valorisation of it's potential for green and brown field investments; -create cross border collaboration and strentgthen previous cross border contacts, because it will continue successful cooperation of Chamber of Commerce from Vidin and Zajechar; -Maximise social and economic cohesion between the border areas, by encouraging contacts and cooperation at various level; - Stimulate regional cooperation and build local capacities and networks in the Vidin, Zajechar and Bor regions. The main purpose of the project is to enable valorisation of brown and green field sites and by doing this to increase attractiveness of both regions for economic activities and investments. Considering the threat that abandoned and miss-used sites represent it is vital to put them to work for the local economy. Preferably this should be done by attracting outside resource(investment) but in order to achieve this local communities should receive external support and encouragement. The action will first identify and list all potential locations for brown and green - field investments, which exist in the region. After that, 100 of those potential locations will be analysed and mapped, in order to determine specific assignment of these locations and creation of database.In the following stage 100 locations with the greatest potential for attracting brown and green field investments will be promoted on a Investment forums in Sofia and Belgrad. Special activities will work for the increase of cocal capacity to attract investment through the brown and green field investment model. The project will work together with target groups and beneficiaries to enhance competitiveness of the Vidin, Zajechar and Bor regions through valorisation of its economic potentials. All target group will be directly involved in project activities through participative method(regulat meeting, consultations on the spot visits and others). In this way there will be strenghtening of local capacity to attract investments and to stimulate enterpreneurship in the border area.