The objective of the project is to clarify problems of young people at age 12-16 years that live in fast crowing areas near the capital cities of Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Moreover the aim of the project is to prevent negative behaviour of the youth and to integrate young people with special needs to the society. The project involves socially rejected children and youth to school activities and free time gatherings, plans and carries out events that prevent youth alcohol/drug addiction and crime. Youth work specialists and representatives of youth associations arrange cultural exchange and cultural exchange; improve integration and create common values. The project will organise 3 joint training- and study trips to Estonia, Sweden and Finland for target group in the 3 countries (youth work specialists and leaders of youth associations). A conference analysing and summarising the results will be held at the end of the seminar in Estonia. Experiences from joint events will be used in local youth work development. Project participants will prepare youth work plans, create new methods/models for teaching and involving young people, plan and develop activities in youth centres. The project will also carry out activities that create and form common values: risk group children and youth camping; trips to nature and voluntary work; prevention theme weeks; campaigns-workshops to increase awareness, preparation of posters, information material and study film; creation of new study methods for teaching children with special needs in primary school, etc. The project will familiarise with activities and infrastructure of Estonian, Finnish and Swedish youth organisations. It is planned to start planning of the conseption of the new kind youth centre in Municipality of Harku (Est) and to prepare for a youth centre establishment in Municipality Sipoo (Fi) and develop the youth activities in Municipality of Söderhamn (Swe). All partners will participate activly in the analysing and preparation process to find out the new kind of the youth centre - it will be for the development of technical and creative skills of children and youngsters. It will help young peole find the way to the entrepreneurship and the same time bring youngsters to the active life, commitment, responsibility, co-operation and fellowship.