CEUP 2030 strives for excellence in policy making on Industry 4.0/Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe. An upstreaming process is designed to meet the challenges & needs of available, high-quality innovation know-how in the CE area, which lacks sufficient cooperation & structure to really add-value at a policy-level & limits the competitive potential of connected regions. Transnational, multi-level learning supports regions to overcome this challenge. CEUP 2030 creates a comprehensive innovation system for policy making to set best-in-class structures (Trend&Innovation Networks, RIS3 Round Tables) & processes (Policy Learning Lab, Policy Intelligence Dashboard) for immediate use & long-term validity (Policy Framework 2021-2027). The status-quo is shifted through intensive, mutual triple-helix stakeholders learning, common EU-wide tech trend monitoring, to gain & streamline emerging knowledge & policy building in a regional & CE/EU context. Existing outputs & results (e.g. Tech&Inno Camps, CE Brain Base, EU-wide DIH Network) from 3 CE & 3 Horizon 2020 projects contribute to upstreaming, alongside the development of structures, tools, policy & strategy implementation with high impact. A barrier for upstreaming has been poorly defined, common understanding for new technologies among triple-helix partners, due to time-constraints & limited policy alignment among regions/countries. Both are overcome by joint policy learning including new, targeted know-how from Tech Radars & a strategic common policy strategy for 2021-2027 incl. cross-linked use of programmes. CEUP 2030 synergises the outputs & results of the 6 CE/H2020 twin projects & sets strong links to jointly & consistently implement them & emerging spin-off projects. The project sets a unique innovation system approach for regional & transnational policy making with high practical relevance. The involved 30 CE/EU regions gain well-aligned future robust strategies with a quick start & with transnational value.