COASTGAP springs after more than 10 years of shared experiences among many Mediterranean coastal Administrations and Institutions in the field of coastal adaptation to CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. In 2011 these actors established the cluster FACECOAST ( and propose COASTGAP in order to capitalize 12 Best Practices from 9 projects of the cluster (from MED and other programmes). The BPs concern several aspects of ICZM, Flood Directive, Maritime Spatial Planning and other relevant legal provisions. Some of them deal with the general matter of governance: they foster the political initiative (Bologna Charter 2012) or the rational use of the coastal resources (SICELL), widen the suitable application of provisions, regulations and laws like ICZM Protocol (art.8) or Flood Directive (COFLERMAP), specify environmental procedures for the coastal safeguard (EIA & SEA) and other topics having a great impact on coastal zones management. WP3 will concern specifically the capitalization process of these BPs throughout their diffusion among other actors (inside and outside the partnership), their adaptation to different situations and their mainstreaming in local, regional and national framework. COASTGAP aims as well to design, characterize and prepare to launch the Macro-Project -BEACHMED-3-�, already sketched in previous projects (MEDGOV, COASTANCE, MAREMED). WP 4 is dedicated to the Macro-project and it will concern a coordinated set of concrete proposals (projects, researches, network, etc.) in order to face focal questions like quantitative coastal hazard assessment (EUROSION-MED), the characterization of coastal territory and its sustainable development, coastal sediments and their individuation and sustainable use for adaptation policies, the shared monitoring of coastal areas exposed to CC effects through a network of observatories (EURIOMCODE), etc.