The Culture and Creative Industry (CCI) sector lacks a transnationally and cross-sectoral shared vision on what could be the contribution of CCI to economic and social growth in Central Europe. This goes along with a lack of capacities in CCI to link up with other industry sectors to foster innovation processes. It is COCO4CCI objective to tackle this challenge and build capacities among CCI for cross-sectoral cooperation in technology and innovation oriented sector, in Advanced Manufacturing (AVM), by creating a transnational CCI collider network. Based on a mapping of CCIs potential and a roadmap, COCO4CCI will develop the CCI collider concept, in which CCI hubs and business support organisations (BSO) work in tandem, complementing each other with knowledge and experiences from its sector. COCOs trained facilitators will implement an extensive online and face2face training programme for CCI in three areas: technology development, future trends and mindset in Advanced Manufacturing. COCO4CCI will develop tools to initiate and facilitate cross-sectoral linkinging up between CCI and AVM. CCI will participate in different match-making formats with AVM companies, applying open and innovative methods as design thinking, resulting in cross-sectoral cooperations. Sustainability and transferability is at the heart of COCO4CCI. The collider tandems develop an action (business) plan for the operation of the collider after project end. With a better understanding of tools useful for triggering innovation processes in CCI and AVM, we prepare a transnational COCO4CCI network strategy, identifying drivers of CCI development and supporting a better and more efficient exploitation of the economic and social potential of CCI in Central Europe. We expect that COCO4CCI will create new employment opportunities for CCI in and outside the sector. With the newly created capacities, COCO4CCI will make a contribution to sustainable use of cultural and creative resources in Central Europe.