The main objective of this project is to contribute towards the enhancement of the potential for inclusive growth in the Romania-Serbia border region through a cross-border intervention addressing one of the most serious challenges affecting the quality of life in this region and generating numerous personal tragedies and ever growing social and economic burdens: the rising incidence of cancer. In order to address this major health challenge, the logic of intervention proposed by CROSSYN is built upon the untapped potential of cross-border cooperation and inter-institutional synergies between two closely located providers of health care services in Romania (Orsova Municipal Hospital) and Serbia (Health Center Kladovo). Besides the improvement of the medical infrastructures of both hospitals through the purchase of advanced equipments used in the diagnosis / treament of various forms of cancer and to the development of relevant professional compentencies of members of the staff, the cross-border institutional and technological cooperation framework created through CROSSYN will make possible the development of new health care services in the field of cancer diagnosis / early detection and treatment. These newly developed services will be delivered through the cross-border cooperation of staff from these hospitals to persons from the border region who otherwise have hardly any access to this type of preventive medical services. During the project implementation period, three new types of medical services, addressing three forms of cancer (breast, cervical and digestive), will be delivered through the cross-border cooperation of medical experts from both project partners and with the utilization of newly purchased equipment (including a newly installed cross-border telemedicine system). The main target group, who will benefit from the newly developed preventive medical services, will be 1825 citizens living in counties Mehedinti and Caras-Severin, whose access to such preventive medical services was hardly possible in the pre-implementation period. Special measures (e.g., specific information activities, free of charge transportation, etc.) will be implemented in order to facilitate the access to the newly developed preventive medical services for about 600 disadvantaged persons (women living in rural areas, including in remote communities). The project will include an extensive set of information and communication activities which will increase the awareness of citizens from the border region with regard of the importance of a preventive approach towards the challenge of cancer as a major health risk and will help to achieve an adequate participation of persons from the targeted social groups to the activities of the project. Thanks to the achievements of CROSSYN, the cross-border cooperation between the two partner hospitals will continue in the post-implementation period, for the benefit of the citizens living in the border region.