Tässä on lueteltu kaikki EU-rahastot - projektit valitsemiesi kriteerien mukaan. Pienennä valintaa edelleen käyttämällä vasemman alueen suodattimia

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Tulokset : PARAS KäYTäNTö - PROJEKTIT (25049 )

Lajitella jonkun mukaan:


„Developing and implementing an commune Emergency Situation Management System by Ibănești commune from Vaslui county and Cărăhășani village from Ștefan Vodă district”
The project aims to increase the efficiency of the management of emergency situations in Ibăneşti an ...


Increasing the protection of the population in emergency situations caused by natural disasters in the cross-border area - IPPESA
The project aims to limit the consequences of natural disasters by increasing the level of protectio ...


Integrated Networks for Hazard Risk Management - HAZARM
The project aims to bridge up the gap between Romania and Republic of Moldova related to emergency a ...


Improving response time for emergency situations in the cross-border area by renovating and equipping the infrastructure necessary for training and effectively managing the population in the


„Developing and implementing an common Emergency Situation Management System by Ivănești commune from Vaslui county and Bulboaca village from Anenii Noi district”
The project aims at increasing the efficiency of the management of emergency situations in Ivăneşti ...


Enhancing cross border cooperation through developing a common concept of complex crime scene investigation
The action will increase the capacity and efficiency of Romanian and Moldavan police in crime scene ...


Intervention techniques and tactics standardization through joint preparation and training activities for the insurance of public order measures occurred during cross border public manifestat
The project aims to improve the level of preparedness and intervention of personnel involved in ensu ...


Strengthening the capacities of the Moldovan and Romanian Police in the field of crime prevention, including trans-border crimes
The project aims at providing a proactive police service to respond to the needs of citizens and the ...


Bridges for Increasing the Trust between the Police and the Citizens of Ialoveni County and Iasi County
The project aims to strengthen the sustainable cooperation capabilities of the police units from Ial ...


Increasing the professional capacities of staff involved in crowd and riot control operations in a cross-border context
Project is aimed to improve reaction capacity in the field of crowd and riot control operations, eff ...

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