The project aims at putting in place an initiative to promote cross-border cooperation among State-run secondary schools in the Province of Trieste and schools in Slovenia through the organisation of meetings and activities to facilitate direct contact among Italian and Slovenian students and teachers and the development of stable cooperation relations among participating schools, also through the creation of a network among the institutes themselves. The project envisages two lines of action. The first regards cross-border play activities at school including the analysis and study of the culture and society across the border, meeting opportunities and exchanges of information and experiences, the development of a tool to facilitate meetings represented by a website to be created by the students for the students. The second action consists in a partnership among the schools and the setting up of Working Groups for the comparative in-depth discussion of issues related to Italian and Slovenian learning methodologies, opportunities to meet and study together and the planning of common activities online. Bilingual fact-finding reports are drawn up on the resources of the cross-border area, on the schools of origin, on school organisation and the didactic offer with particular reference to the teaching of languages and IT and the two different secondary education systems. The activities of the Working Groups are then summarised in a Comparative Guide to Italian and Slovenian education. Lastly the project envisages the creation of a bilingual website, a press release on the results and joint participation with a stand at cross-border school events.