As stressed by the IPA Operational Programme, the socio-economical development of the territories involved in SEA-R implies an increasing energy demand. At the same time these regions must adopt more environmentally-friendly energy models due to increasing oil prices, global warming, high-consuming patterns of transport, industrial and tourism development, outmoded heating systems. SEA-R identifies three main “sources” from which sustainable energies for Adriatic can derive; SUN; SEA; KNOWLEDGE. Sun and Sea are distinguishing characteristics of the region, which can be effectively and better exploited for friendly energies; Knowledge is a strategic “fuel” for their diffusion, as it provides operators and users with BAT (Best Available Technologies) options to foster investments. The general objective is the promotion of investment-oriented knowledge on sustainable and competitive energy patterns (in terms both of energy saving and renewable sources) in the Adriatic regions. In that perspective, the project is composed by three main sub-projects, concerning the three identified energy source, and consequently by the following specific objectives: SUN ENERGY: Adriatic region has at its disposal a strategic natural source for renewable energy, the sun. Despite that, diffusion of solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic) is quite limited, with differences among territories. In Italy, large scale applications are already a reality, but a need is felt related to the integration of those applications to urban planning. In Slovenia, adequate potential for low intensity solar energy has been identified, but the use of solar thermal energy is limited, and photovoltaic applications are at an experimental level (according to PV Eurobarometer 2008, SI ranges 15 out of 27 in PV capacity installed, while Italy ranges 3rd). In Albania also, only some application in solar thermal energy is registered. The project aims at creating instruments and tools to map the buildings whose characteristics are consistent with the possibility to implement solar energy. The action will start with energy saving measures (following the principle “first do not dissipate”); then, it will put in place instruments and pilot applications on photovoltaics. SEA ENERGY: Sea is a great economical resource for Adriatic, but it can also be a source of negative impacts. Seaweeds proliferation, for instance, affects coastal zones of highly tourist sites of Italian and Western Balkan countries (e.g. Albania and Ferrara), causing a problem which is difficult and expensive to manage: this problem could be turned into an opportunity for biogas producing. The objective is to analyse the feasibility to economically valorise this waste material within an environmental perspective. The possibilities to produce bio-gas from seaweeds will be tested in a pilot plant to be established in Ferrara, and hence addressed in an industrial business plan. KNOWLEDGE ENERGY: A cross topic, common to all the territories involved, is the need to involve the business sector to adopt sustainable energy models, and more in general to sensitize a civic participation as regards energy saving and RES. In Bosnia, despite the availability of several renewable sources, a low level of knowledge is common, relation between public authorities and private sector is feeble, and no incentives are foreseen for sustainable energy implementation. Knowledge has a double value: on the one hand, it serves to be at the top of the actual technological solutions. Secondly, knowledge is a strategic “fuel” in view of promoting wide investments on that field, as operators (public/private) need to get familiar with new energy opportunities. The objective will be to create Sustainable Energy Demonstrative and Informative Points able to offer information, consultancy, and practical demonstration on RES application possibilities. The objective will be further developed through Energy Road Shows around Adriatic