SEE HYDROPOWER is based on the European Directive on the promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (RES-e) respect to the Kyoto protocol targets, that aims to establish an overall binding target of 20% share of renewable energy sources in energy consumption and a 10% binding minimum target for biofuels in transport to be achieved by each Member State, as well as binding national targets by 2020 in line with the overall EU target of 20%. Objectives of the SEE HYDROPOWER deals with the promotion of hydro energy production in SEE countries, by the optimization of water resource exploitation, in a compatible way with other water users, and following environmental friendly approaches. Main activities of the project concerns the definition of policies, methodologies and tools for a better water & hydropower planning and management; the establishment of common criteria for preserving water bodies; to assess strategies to improve hydropower implementation (such as SHP); testing studies in pilot catchments of partner countries; promotion and dissemination of project outcomes among target groups all over the SEE Region countries. The partnership significantly represents not only the SEE countries but also includes a well balanced mixing of public administrations (5 partners) & agencies (2 partners) ruling hydropower development and related water bodies conservation; and scientific & research institutions (5 partners) having the most advanced technology and standard background applied to water management and hydropower generation. All partners have on field specific experience in their own country issues and represent a wider local/regional partnership not formally involved in the project but strictly connected to policy and water management. Target groups representatives from SEE countries are reinforced by the presence of 6 Observer partners (AHP, ELEM, ESHA, ASSOELE, ENERGAP, APER).