The aim is to generate solutions for major challenges within the cross-border region involving public administration and institutions as well as social entrepreneurs. A cross-border advisory board (AB) comprising of relevant stakeholders is established. To raise awareness activities including two rounds of a social business (SB) idea challenge are developed. The framework conditions specific to the cross-border region are analyzed including social challenges, relevant target groups, a SWOT analysis and a Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem map. This analysis, research of Good practice examples and innovative learning practices supporting the cross-border exchange are used to develop a social entrepreneurship training program with an accompanying acceleration for implementation of social business ideas. Instruments like a business model framework and a self-assessment tool supporting social entrepreneurs in the cross-border region are developed. The four month training & acceleration program is un twice and ends with an event, respectively, to share the developed SB ideas, tools and methods in a multidisciplinary setting open to the crossborder network. At the end a handbook for implementing social entrepreneurship in the Alpe-Adriatic Region is published. The acquired knowledge will be transferred through workshops into the public adminstration system.