The SILLABUS aims, through a comparative analysis, training and trial, to define new pioneer models in order to achieve shared policies in social and healthcare matters in the Italy-Austria cross-border area. Moreover it aims to support, enhance and develop the basic conditions for the social inclusion of people with disabilities, focusing on life’s aspects such as spare time, culture, nature, tourism and work as well. Taking into account the UN convention on the rights of people with disability, followed by the European Strategy on disability 2014-2020 adopted by the European Commission in 2010, the partners representing the three areas aim to establish an institutional cooperation developing and sharing integrated models to support the active inclusion of the people with disability contributing the achievement of the Targets sat by the UN 2030 Agenda on sustainable development of the areas (Goals 8,10,11) . This contribution lies in the capacity and expertise on the development of employment models, as well as the removal of cultural and social barriers of the AULSS1 and Province of Belluno on one hand and the expertise and skills on barrier-free access in order to make services and goods more accessible for people with disability of RegioL and municipality of Asiago on the other one.