The current project „Helping natural forests together“ is continuation of the successful HU-SK FOR FORESTS in the border regions.This project further strengthens the cooperation between the Slovak and Hungarian state forest managements, connects the regional initials for the environmental development of the forest managements and cooperating regions.In the framework of the project partners plan to transform the homogeneous forests of the same age to native, heterogeneous forests with more species.Professional content of the project is the implementation of silvicultural activities and forest protection measures which can result that forests can fulfill permanently their economic, defense and social tasks demanded by the society. At Ipoly Erdő Zrt. the acacia stocks – in the hills and highlands- threaten the native forests in large areas, as native heritage. In the project we plan to transform the acacia stocks to indigenous,natural oak and tern stocks, for which new technological process is intended to achieve. During forest education LESY SR plans the continuos help of indigenous species of trees in such a way, that it removes unwanted shrubs and tree species by new technical solutions in the forest care. With the implementation of the project forest playground, new nature trail, open-air resting place and places to visit are carried out. The domestic and cross-border tourism will grow.The implemented silvicultural works will be beneficial in more than 1000 ha forest area. 3,8 km „Green way” is created in the project framework. By the implmentation of the communication plan articles are published about the project.Local TV report, information boards,tri-lingual subsite, banners help the popularization of the project and the INTERREG Programme. By the common and mutual promotion we increase the number of cross-border visitors in the concerned areas (yearly by appr.3000 persons).More local residents will also spend their leisure time in the nicer forests locally.