Due to the reputation they gained in the past, the regions of the Mediterranean area have so far been separate on the tourist markets. However, globalisation means competing with new tourist destinations and requires new organisational models other than those that made our localities successful in the past. The factors that determine the quality and variety of local offer (sustainability, business models and governance) rely on correct information management and the quick provision of comprehensive and accessible answers to the changing tourist information and customisation needs. SMART DESTINATION aims to support and relaunch the competitiveness of transnational tourism chains by integrating the local tourism offer with the information flows and databases currently available to the public-private system. A partnership of the various powers, interests and stakeholders involved in the cross-border area will initiate activities to achieve the following: 1 - A common architecture with shared application interfaces (APIs) to integrate a selection of local data and enable businesses to market cross-border products and users to use a borderless system 2 - A joint action Plan for the cross-border area to complete the implementation of the system, disseminate technology solutions and open to third parties, companies and users 3 – Test the SMART DESTINATION model in the cross-border pilot areas for efficiency and potential in different contexts 4 - Involve Regions, companies, organisations, associations and sector stakeholders every step of the way through innovative (Living Lab) and traditional approaches.