Intensification of the agricultural production is a major cause of eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and is also a major cause of the declining biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. Economically effective and environmentally friendly farming methods are needed to reverse this trend. This is especially important in the Baltic countries where agricultural intensification will increase severely during coming years. WWF Sweden have been working with tools and concepts that can deal with these problems, together with SNOWBAL partners and others in several project areas during the past 15 years. These concepts need to be packaged and spread. The SNOWBAL project will set the stage for improving the conditions of the Baltic Sea, preserve and increase biodiversity in the agricultural landscape, improve rural development and increase the attractiveness to live in and visit the region. Knowledge will spread in the region about the SNOWBAL methods that improve the water quality of the Baltic Sea and improve the quality of its surrounding landscape in an economically and ecologically sustainable way. The methods that are used give a lasting, long term effect on reduction of nutrient run-off from, mainly, the agricultural sector. The methods use abandoned grasslands and wetlands in an ecologically and economically sustainable way for producing agricultural produce (meat) and bio-energy. SNOWBAL will focus on rising awareness mainly among farmers and entrepreneurs who can implement the SNOWBAL methods.The main activities are directed to farmers and entrepreneurs and include study trips, works shops, work camps, farm visits, village meetings, information stands, fact sheets and information on the Internet. Evaluating the methods and pinpointing existing bottlenecks concerning the implementation of the methods in the partner countries will also be carried out. The result from this evaluaion will be presented for policy makers who are shaping the national Rural Development Plans for 2013-2017. Exchange of knowledge between partners is also an important task, as well as spreading information to the general public. The work has been divided into four work packages where WP1 is designed for management of the project and project personnel. WP2 is designed for communication activities spreading awareness about the SNOWBAL project and methods to farmers, politicians and the general public. WP3 is designed for evaluation and further development of SNOWBAL methods. WP4 is designed for awareness raising and knowledge transfer to farmers, entrepreneurs and between farmers, entrepreneurs and countries.