The main objective of the project is that through project activities and exchange of experience between project partners the quality of special education and speech therapy will be improved. For achieving the objectives and planned results the project aims to organize a training to speech therapists working with Russian-speaking children and to university students studying special education for raising the qualification of working speech therapists and supplementing the knowledge and skills of university students. As a result the conditions of Russian-speaking children with educational needs will be improved and children will cope better with the learning outcomes set by schools. The specific objectives are: 1. The qualification of special education teachers and students has been improved through trainings. The persons passed the training have obtained the knowledge and skills to support the Russian speaking children and students with special needs and speech difficulties in Estonian speaking and Russian speaking educational institutions. Also the conditions of helping the Russian-speaking children with special educational needs will be improved. 2. Through cooperation activities new contacts and common cross-border cooperation network in the field of special education between partner countries has been created. All project activities are developed and carried out in close cross-border cooperation since it requires very accurate and up-to-date understanding of the needs and requirements of the situation in special education in both countries. The cooperation will be very beneficial for both sides since Russian partner has a long-lasting experience in teaching speech therapists and has a good practice base for Estonian speech therapists to practice their theoretical knowledge and know-how. The main activities of the project are the management and coordination of the project (Jan 2012-Dec 2013) being a responsibility of lead partner MISA (P1, other partners involved). Also the lead partner will be resposible for the information and visibility (Jan 2012 – Dec 2013) in cooperation with pther partners. Training of special education teachers and university students (Sept 2012 – Apr 2013) will be coordinated mainly by UT and its subunit Narva College (P2) in cooperation with HU (P3). Establishing a cooperation network between partners and organizing a study visit in Estonia (Jan 2012 – Dec 2013) is mainly a responsibility of UT, but in very close cooperation with MISA and HU. In developing activities of creating a common curriculum for speech therapy education (May 2013 – Oct 2013) will be participating curricula experts from UT and HU.