Τhe project SRM-DGC aims to the elimination of seismic risks through the development and implementation of efficient seismic risk management tools in three seismic prone areas (Grevena-Greece, Duzce-Turkey and Catania-Italy). Duzce is one of the most seismic prone areas in the world, Grevena have suffered a major earthquake in 1995 and Catania is one of the most exposed cities in Sicily to earthquakes. Local authorities in these three areas are aware of the seriousness of the earthquake risk and of the urgent need to develop and implement efficient seismic risk management “tools”. The project aims at the real reduction of the risk in future earthquakes and the prevention of losses (human, material, e.g. damages to buildings, and immaterial, i.e. social and economic). The partnership comprises the Prefecture of Grevena (Greece), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), the University of Catania (Italy) and the Municipality of Duzce (Turkey), who will jointly undertake the following activities: • Seismic hazard analysis of Duzce, Grevena and Catania; • Geological, geotechnical and geophysical investigations; • Microzonation study of Duzce, Grevena and Catania; • Development of appropriate GIS data bases for specific elements at risk, with detailed inventories and classification of the main elements exposed to seismic risk (dwellings, and infrastructures, mainly water supply systems and transportation network components like bridges etc); • Development of appropriate vulnerability and restoration functions for the elements at risk in Duzce, Grevena and Catania; • Vulnerability analysis and loss estimation for all elements at risk (buildings, lifelines and activities) for the specific seismic scenarios (WP1 and WP3); • Development of pre-seismic, co-seismic and post seismic policies and strategies for the reduction of seismic risk and casualties; • Actions to increase public awareness; • Actions to improve the technical capacities and skills of the scientific and technical services of the three municipalities; • Proposals for the implementation of the global methodology and tools developed for the management of seismic risk in Duzce, Grevena and Catania; • Analysis and evaluation of the socio-economic impact of rehabilitation measures in Grevena and Duzce.