Project “ST.A.AD.” consists of a wide environmental-tourist campaign concerning the urban centres located in the province of Venice and the corresponding areas in Slovenia and their economic life, their historical-artistic heritage, as well as the surrounding natural environment and its morphology. The initiative aims at drawing up three tourist guide, each concentrating on a specific aspect related to the Upper Adriatic area. The guides serve to highlight the similarities shared by the Venetian and the Slovenian areas, searching for their common historical, naturalistic and cultural heritage. A DVD will also be produced containing music by Vivaldi and Tartini as a soundtrack for images of Venice and the Slovenian coast, using music and images as a universal language. The project aims at promoting a new sustainable type of tourism, that is not characterised by seasonal aspects. Additionally, the project intends to direct the tourist flows towards smaller towns, the countryside and natural ecosystems, to stress the importance of environmental and territorial safeguard. “ST.A.AD.” is the natural continuation of the enhancement campaign of the Venetian- Slovenian territory and natural beauty, which started in 2004 with thematic projects such as “Voices and Sounds”, “Portolando Adriatico” and later on with “Holy itineraries”. Project partners intend to ensure continuity with the goals of previous projects, in terms of constant dissemination, support to the promotion and the fostering of an interest in the discovery of and a newly found appreciation for the cultural heritage and for often forgotten traditions.