The project “Smart Test of Alpine Rescue Technology” (START) with seven partners form four provinces and federal states is planned from 2017 to 2020. The Lead partner is the Österreichische Bergrettung Land Tirol. The project partners are Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico Alto Adige CNSAS, Soccorso Alpino dell’Alpenverein Südtirol, Azienda ULSS n.1 Dolomiti, IDM Südtirol, University Klagenfurt, EURAC Research and as associated partner Österreichische Bergrettung Landesorganisation Kärnten. The project deals with the strengthening of the cross-border institutional cooperation and alpine rescue technologies that are treated and worked on in six work packages. Objectives of the project are 1. Strengthening cross-border cooperation of mountain rescue and coordination of cross-border emergencies 2. Development of common methods for the introduction of new technologies and procedures 3. Creation of a pilot area for testing innovative technologies and related operational protocols 4. Development of IT applications and IT support to better help people in need faster in emergency in the Alps but also a sustainable cooperation of the mountain rescue in the border area and for joint international missions as well as collaboration for an aeffective (cost riduction) adaptation and testing of new technologies for the optimization of the alpine rescue chain beyond the project duration.