Within the scope of Pr. 3 of ASP 2007-13 major innovation capacities were focused on knowledge development in Natural Hazard/Risk Management (NHRM) & Risk Governance (RG) (eg. innovation in hazard mapping/protection technology) in various funded projects (& other ETC/national-R&D initiatives). START_it_up will capitalise this knowledge pool by enhancing it into a transnational common “state-of-the-art”. This unification process becomes operational by gathering/completing the available recommendations/pre-standards/good practice, assembling the knowledge in a database, benchmarking/reviewing it among partner countries, testing the usability for engineering practice/policy and implementing it as an approved best practice/standard. Based on the well-established PP expert network the project shall pave the path for an institutionalised (a) NHRM-standardisation process (b) RG policy forum, authorised by governmental/standardisation institutions, and open this field for ASP 2014+.