This project is based on the results of the INTERREG IIIA project implemented in 2006-2008 when a common water tourism development strategy and technical documentation was prepared for the Water Tourism Development Station of Lake Luban. The municipalities of Kupiskis and Rezekne are following the created strategy, working together on a development of tourism/recreation infrastructure at Kupiskis Lagoon and Lake Luban, while local residents have the chance to open up their homes to visitors. Results of cleaning campaigns, workshops, consultations, seminars and experience exchange visits of local communities, decision-makers, NGOs and entrepreneurs facilitate a more effective management of environmental resources and development of tourism-related services. The recreational infrastructure at Kupiskis Lagoon and Lake Luban has been greatly improved with new access roads, sandy beaches, playgrounds and other facilities that have increased attractiveness of both recreational territories. There are also plans to participate in the Blue Flag program, an eco-label award to sustainably developed, safe and quality beaches.