The disposal of sewage sludge is a challange for many municipal waste water treatment plants in the South Baltid area. The disposal is connected with high cost and a negative influence on the environement. Slugde with high quality (low content of pollutants, easy handling and no smell) are easier to dispose of for different purpuses than sludge with bad quality. The purpose of this project is to develop tools how to increase the quality of sewage sludge that can later be used by other muncipalities. One can see that the need for improvement are differnt between the different countries. This will mean that the countries can learn from each other. The need is huge, many treatment plants struggle every year for how to dispose their sludge. That the need is huge is also recognised by the number of partners that are interested in the project. The challange for the project will now be to identify project organisation and how to concentrate on proper tasks. The need for seed money is therfore directed towards forming the project organisation and to define proper activities for a fruit full cross border cooperation.