Many valuable heritage sites in the SEE region are under pressure. Cultural heritage is often used to respond to economic concerns (tourism), rarely to valorise culturally a territory, its people, its traditions, its roots. The innovative approach of SUSTCULT is that cultural heritage has a social and ecological intrinsic significance which shall be safeguarded as a source of sustainable development (SD). Improving the effectiveness of cultural sites management is a priority and the common cultural and political challenge to be addressed by SEE partners is the integration of cultural heritage management into planning and development of urban settlements and territories. SUSTCULT's main objective is to improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development, testing and dissemination of an holistic approach capable of valorising the complexity of SEE cultural heritage. The SUSTCULT partnership includes Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Greece, FYROM, Romania and Hungary; it involves 12 institutions with diverse competencies and experience: diversity in cultural management capacity, cultural resources and contexts are valorised and subsidiarity and multilevel cooperation is ensured. Expected results are: Increased awareness among wider public and stakeholders of the SEE heritage value and its potential for attracting financial resources and sustainable growth; Shared knowledge and geo-referenced information on cultural heritage; Transferable framework for the sustainable management of heritage through the development of a common methodology; Greater institutional capacity in managing and promoting heritage; Greater use of ICT for mapping and promoting cultural resources; Improved management and integration of cultural heritage sites in planning instruments; Better understanding and knowledge of market opportunities and strategies for increasing tourist attractiveness of targeted sites and income generation.