The SWEET proposal is relevant to the promotion of an improved governance of the exceptional transport in the Program area and is based on the introduction of an integrated concept of mobility and logistic. For this type of transports, exemption or permit is needed prior to carrying out an abnormal road transport operation by the authorities. Rules and process varies from Member State to Member State or sometimes even from region to region resulting in delays and difficulties by the carries and the authorities. The existing available regional tools in the programme area are not interoperable and do not allow the sharing of information. Other functions are required to be improved for a better governance. The main objective is the study and implement a common solution, taking into consideration the existing EU guidelines and requirements from stakeholders. The Sweet solution will allow a single windows approach, interoperability with the existing solution available, new functionality to simplify the authorization process and to provide real time monitoring for an improved governance. Corridors will be jointly clearly defined, especially for the cross border. A legal analysis will be carried out to harmonize and improve the logistic sector relevant to this transport. We expect an overall cost and time reduction for getting the authorization, an improved safety and transport governance.