Potato crops are of particular importance in the cross-border area, feeding an entire commercial chain (producers, breeders, traders, plant protection companies and processing industries). To ensure the competitive and environmental sustainability of this production, it is important to control foliar fungal pathogens. By bringing together the cross-border expertise of four partners, the SYTRANSPOM project aims to protect crops from fungal pathogens by developing an early diagnosis of infestations. The project provides for the creation of a platform for cross-border collaboration to centralise existing information and enrich it with new data from experiments in the field, experimental laboratory results and data from precision agriculture; (2) the development of new molecular methods (detection methods and quantitative analyses) to characterise fungal leaf pathogens; (3) the implementation of experimental field trials to obtain early diagnosis of infections, monitoring of disease development and improvement of protection methods; (4) the development of a comprehensive decision support system (DSS) integrating warning systems for several leaf pathogens. The project involves teams of field agronomists, plant pathologists, molecular biologists and computer scientists.