As regrettable consequence of the 90s armed clashes in ex Yugoslavia and the economic decline, the generation born in that time was born into isolation. Thus it was not able to gain knowledge which is provided by an understanding of cultures and traditions of other nations. The direct target group of the project are those 400 primary school children (200 from Serbia and 200 from Hungary), who will be able to take part personally in joint programmes. In order to that, the camp activities are designed to be open to the opportunity to get to know each other's culture and customs (crafts, folk music and dance, folk customs presentation), jointly participate in sport competitions and other outdoor activities. They will visit the significant historic and cultural facilities (National Historical Park in Opusztaszer, Museum and City Hall in Subotica). In addition, they view the natural values and characteristics in their surroundings (Ludasi Lake Special Nature Reserve, Palic Zoo and Szeged Wildlife Park).