Energy costs in Lithuania and Latvia are more than twice higher comparing with other EU countries. Moreover, the environment condition in towns is poor too. A lot of actions are taken in this sphere in Latgale (Latvia) and Utena (Lithuania) regions in order to improve the situation, however, every region, especially border ones with lower economics, must constantly educate society about not only renewable energy advantages, ecology, environment protection, energy savings and rational use of energy resources minimizing impact on our environment. Nowadays all people are related to environment. Our health, well-being depend on the air we breath, the water we drink, whether we live in balanced and clean environment. However, willingness to know more about environment, endeavour to contribute to protection of environment of towns depends on knowledge. Especially huge responsibility is delegated to municipalities and they have to deal with implementation of strict EU requirements in field of environment protection. In this context, project idea was born to implement environmental activities which are effective in long terms. Project subject is joint cross border actions in the field of environment saving and launching of environment protecting campaigns. Main aim of the project is to promote environment protection activities and development of clean, environmentally friendly and energy efficient technologies in Latvia-Lithuania cross border region. Ignalina district and Kraslava municipality are especially aware of environment protection as in their strategic plans clean and healthy environment of urban areas is stated to be an underlying priority. Project area covers territories of Ignalina district in Lithuania and Kraslava municipality in Latvia. Partnership model with one competence center (LP) and two local public bodies (PP2 and PP3) ensures successful project management and strengthens the partners' political force. Moreover, many-sided experience and knowledge of partners complement each other and allow to spread project ideas wider. During the project it is planned to invest in CO2 emission reduction by modernization of lighting systems and technoligies used in Ignalina and Kraslava and education of local societies contributing to environment protection in cross border regions. Main outputs of the project will be reduction of CO2 emissions in project partners's regions, raised awareness of society and public bodies in the field of environment protection and created model for educating society members to save environment. Further cooperation in this sphere will continue the work started with Smart Light well beyond the project lifetime all together resulting in more attractive and clean partner cities and well approved experiences for the LATLIT.