Since 2010 smart cities have been increasingly subject to scientific and political debate, leading to an uptake of the smart city concept into wider funding of innovation-oriented urban development programmes at national or EU level. Whilst the larger EU and nationally led smart cities programmes are increasingly emphasising technology-based and data-driven development of smart district demonstrators, little focus has been on governance structures, processes, business model innovation and integrated action planning to support the actual delivery of results. SmartImpact focuses on five thematic areas: organisational development within the city administration; financing and procurement of innovative and connected solutions; activating the local innovation-ecosystem for smart districts; supportive Regulations and incentives; data integration and e-government. SmartImpact will explore and develop innovation management tools for municipalities, required to finance, build, manage and operate a smart city. The network will develop approaches that support decision making, investments, management and maintenance help to achieve the cities smart goals. A key output will be integrated action plans, led by Urbact Local Groups assisted by a Lead Expert with significant experience across Europe. The network will feed into the Commission’s policy development process to ensure benefit for other cities and businesses. The network includes partners from H2020 Lighthouse projects.