The road L210 (St. Margarthener Straße) crosses the junction with the road L236 (Schützener Straße) at km 0,304 and runs through Oslip (Ödenburgerstraße). The road L210 crosses the B52 (Ruster Straße) at km 5,558 in St. Margarethen (Ödenburgerstraße). The L210 ends at the Hungarian border and is continued in the Hungarian road network. The stretch between St. Margarethen and the Hungarian border 4,4 km has been used for agricultural purposes for the past decades, and is therefore in very poor conditions. Since Hungary has signed the Schengen Agreement, this road connection has been used more frequently.The street section around the town Fertörákos as well as the majority of the section in the Komitat Györ-Moson-Soporn, is in very poor condition. Only 10 percent of the roads in this Komitat can be placed in the road category “good” and “satisfactory”. The proportion of roads in poor conditions is more than 65% in this Komitat.There are two categories of road connections occurring at this passage: Long distance connections linking the district and the Komitat to national and European traffic and short distance connections connecting the border crossing point.This project aims to improve the border crossing infrastructure in a collaborative effort. As a result of the geographic circumstances (Neusiedler Lake, Ödenburger Mountains) there are limited options for border crossing points. Therefore it becomes even more important to improve the already existing connections and reduce detour traffic. The improvement of the road infrastructure will foster commuter traffic.