The situation analysed in the region reflects untapped potential for joint development, to benefit key stakeholders in the public and private sectors in the project area across the border. The project strategy enhances existing capacities by professionally selecting and providing relevant available information and by creating the framework for networking between institutions and individuals. The project proposes an intervention based on the following results: A Knowledge base combining 3 sets of documents made available to the target groups: planning and strategic documents; regional experts; research papers and scientific studies. The information to be included in the mentioned Knowledge base will be researched, selected and systematized in order to be relevant and user friendly. The Project will make the database at disposal to business community, local and regional authorities, business support organisations, researchers, etc. The database is being designed, created and promoted in activity clusters 3, 5,6 and 10. A cooperation network bringing together representatives of institutions and organisations in the project region who recognise the benefit of joining and sharing knowledge and skills for mutual benefit. This is an “informal cooperation network”, and its strength and sustainability are underpinned by the need to learn, grow and develop in synergy rather than isolation. The project will enable joining of resources and exchange of information in four key areas for development of border region: infrastructure, agriculture, environment and tourism. The cooperation network is created and operates in activity clusters 4 7 and 9. These areas have been identified as main areas for development of the Project region. The 4 areas appear as priorities in: Updated document for implementation of the District Development Strategy of Vidin District 2010-2013. Regional Development Strategy of the Timok region (Bor and Zajecar district) 2010 – 2015).