The Project “Start Ups Promotion” is developed by the Enterprise Initiative from Lithuania (LP) and Zemgale Planning Region from Latvia. Project activities are planned to take place in Kaunas and Zemgale regions, involving a wide range of social partners from both private and governmental sectors. The idea of the project is to encourage young people from vocational schools to start business and thus to turn them into citizens who would be able to create jobs and provide employment opportunities for others. The basic objective of the project is to develop an effective system that would stimulate youth entrepreneurship sense and capacite them to start and expand their business, especially in the context of Latvia and Lithuania cooperation. During the project experienced entrepreneurs from Lithuania and Latvia will go to the meetings (that will take place in both local vocational schools and a foreign country schools) with young students in vocational education institutions with the aim to present their own best experience. It would be similar to inspirational seminars and would motivate young people to start their own business. The project will seek to encourage students from vocational education institutions to adopt at least simple forms of business and in this way to conform their gained competences. Later, the project participants would be involved in the exercises based on the simulation games. Thus they would be provided with basic practical business development skills. The final stage of the project will initiate young people o consulting activities. Professional consultant will help students from vocational schools to take practical steps developing their own business. The project is widely orientated towards cross border cooperation, allowing project to involve partners that would share their experience of developing entrepreneurship encouragement methods and vocational schools students from both participating countries to work and learn together. Especially important is the cross sector cooperation between governmental and non-governmental institutions, and cooperation between experienced entrepreneurs and vocational schools.