The general objective: The general objective is to stimulate the activity between local societies in cross border areas of Gizycko Poviat, Varena Municipality District and Nesterow city in Kaliningrad Oblast. This project aims to bring closer the partners and to facilitate cultural cohesion of local communities. The project is essential to ensure the sustainability, to improvement the educational systems, and to develop the integration between cross border comunities to reduce its peripheral character. The direct objectives: - to establish contacts and preparation of common development concepts for the future in all of the regionnal and local levels,- reactivation the self-government organizations for the future common ventures;- to establish European Youth Club as the educational centers of promoting the knowledge of EU structures;-establishment common database system which help to develop the cooperation between the young people to exchange their experiences in everyday life, school, and to promote the values of their regions;- searching out and promotion the products of cultural identity and heritage, culinary tradition and local tourism attractions;-publication common promoting brochure;-instructing and organizing the scholars for participants of this project to implement the common regulations binds in the cooperation regions of particular partners;-promoting the idea of cross border cooperation.