Due to the aging in society many EU countries have been facing the difficulty of taking care of elderly people (according to WHO, from 60 years old). Eurostat health care data supports the statement that elderly have usually poorer health than the general population. Specifying, suburb areas of LT-PL cross boarder are characterized by conditionally small number of inhabitants, as well, high migration rates and poor socio-economic conditions. The ratio between elderly people and other age groups is very distorted, which means lower accessibility and quality of the public services provided to the elderly group in the region. One of the ways to tackle the problem is an ability to ensure infrastructure capacities of health care institutions of Punskas, Seinai, Pagegiai and Birstonas. Main mentioned areas’ problem is that despite the fact that the first-level health care institutions are able to provide quality diagnostic services it is of urgent need to receive high quality treatment to the elderly people afterwards, which is weak due to the lack of infrastructural constrains and working staff. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen institutional capacities of LB, B2, B3, B4 municipalities to ensure an ability to provide quality elderly health care services for the region stating a good example to other suburb cities of LT-PL. Results will be reach by providing project activities and ensuring sustainable results after the project implementation.