SusTEn stresses on Sustainable Natural and Cultural Resources’ Management, taking as cornerstone the Sustainable Regional Socio-economic Development and specifying on Sustainable Tourism Businesses. The concept stands on the fact that -as shown by international practice- territorial scale sustainable development interventions: -Constitute parameters of vital importance for implementing socio-economic National and EU policies. -Presuppose strategies, policies and measures inspired from: a) Integrated approach on sustainable socio-economic growth, b) Synthetic exploitation of comparative advantages, c) Active and wide participation of all Actors concerned. -Can utilize sustainable tourism as a sound basis upon which economic development could be built, whilst effective strategies for sustainable natural and cultural resources’ management could be deployed. SusTEn addresses the corresponding needs through: --Focusing on sustainable tourism and its various forms, as well as on the improvement of competitiveness at products’ and territories’ levels. --Designing and establishing an integrated framework to effectively support and promote territorial level sustainable tourism initiatives and involving qualified tourism enterprises and local Actors of all related categories. --Acting both locally and internationally for achieving significant added value from the knowledge and know–how point of view, as well as for achieving wide promotion of the territories and their assets targeted.