Sustainable Tourism project aims to enhance the development of policies and increase the coordination of strategies between territories at interregional and transnational level regarding the development of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime (C&M) tourism, in line with the integrated coastal zone management and maritime spatial planning principles, through cooperation and joint planning.In particular, the project will support the mainstreaming of the MED modular projects results of axis by communication, transferring & community building, and capitalisation activities. Its objective is to set up a general framework of collaboration to facilitate the creation of synergies among modular projects, to enhance its visibility and to support the institutional uptaking of their outputs and results, mainly in the field of tourism policies and cohesion policies.The project is built upon the results of the previous horizontal project (BleuTourMED_C3) and it is managed by a sound partnership with capacity to reach the main stakeholders of the tourism sector gathering, at the same time, different expertise and profiles: sectoral European networks (NECSTouR), Mediterranean networks (Arco Latino, Adriatic Ionian Euroregion), destination management organisations (DIBA, RDA Green Karst), academic Mediterranean networks (UNIMED), Mediterranean research centre (Plan Bleu) and universities (Thessaly).