A growing area of land in Belgium and France is now organically certified. However, with the exception of Wallonia, organic farming represents only 1% of the regional agricultural area. For non-livestock cropping systems, the nitrogen input required for production is a real challenge. The three regions offer considerable development opportunities for organic farmers and all the links in the chain. SymBIOse aims to support this market development in a sustainable and equitable way. The three development structures in the Interreg area draw up an annual report, making it possible to draw up an inventory of the organic sectors. A network of economic stakeholders is being set up to promote structuring and cross-border cooperation within the organic cereal and protein crops sector and field vegetable sector. By contributing to the biological fertility of the soil and the nitrogen nutrition of crops, legumes are also at the heart of the challenges of organic development in our regions. This network is carried out through the organisation of an annual round table with economic operators representing organic production, processing and distribution and the development of cross-border collaboration projects between economic operators.