Nowadays the major challenge for public administrations (PA) is to reduce energy consumption in existing public buildings without significant construction works. PA need to (i) possess useful and reliable solutions for proper energy management to increase energy efficiency (EE) and RES in buildings and (ii) applicate integrated approaches that educate & train the society to become aware of the energy consumption. To address this, TARGET will capitalize and exploit EE technical and not technical solutions, throughout transnational cooperation in CE cities. This will be achieved by collecting, analyzing, adjusting and deploying past outcomes (ICT tools, financial models, action plans, training, etc.) from 8 previously funded international projects: BOOSTEE-CE, ENERGY@SCHOOL, FEEDSCHOOLS, eCENTRAL, CitiEnGov (Interreg-CE), EMPOWER (Interreg-EU), GreenSoul & PANEL2050 (H2020). The selected outcomes will be downstreamed (9) & upstreamed (10) to be further rolled-out at local and regional levels (WP2) & integrated into relevant territorial or thematic strategies (WP3), respectively. The integration and further deployment of outcomes will be the success key of TARGET as the project will become a unique EE flagship, offering EE solutions for (public) buildings within a unique web platform. Project activities will be synergically coordinated, performed & disseminated by the 8 partners using their know-out experience & lessons learn. The innovative and valuable aspects of TARGET rely in the fact that it takes the best, complementary and most interesting outcomes, in order to boost impact, reduce fragmentation and widespread results in 7 new pilot areas (WP4, 16 municipalities: IT, PL, SI, AT, HR). TARGET will gain key stakeholders (WP1) to ensure engagement & support in capitalization activities & results testing. They will be fully involved since the beginning of the project in order to better tailor outputs, exchange knowledge & ensure a wider distribution of EE solutions.