The TEAMWORK project brings together a team of scientists (Siauliai and Daugavpils Universities) and society to fight against the spread of invasive organisms. Invasions have a negative impact on regional sustainable development – impoverish the biodiversity, reduce the value of agri-land (forest areas), pollute rivers with the biogenic substances and lead to spread of diseases. The danger increases due to Lielupe and Daugava river basins form a ‘corridor’ for spread of alien plants, insects and molluscs. The objective of the TEAMWORK project is to raise awareness of invasion caused environmental issues and promote public, authorities and scientists cross-border cooperation in alien species monitoring and eradication activities for sustainable management of natural resource under conditions of climate changes. Without SU and DU joint activities in prevention and eradication of alien species it is impossible to solve common environmental problem – diminish and manage level of invasions. Sub-objectives: 1) Implementation of invasive species mapping in order to ensure the effective society information campaign and training for volunteering in cooperative monitoring of invasive species. 2) Establish a teaching system which allows conveying required knowledge and skills for the cross-border public aiming to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources, prevention of invasions by using innovations and know-how of Universities. 3) Creation and development of tools which will allow public to participate in alien species monitoring as well as farmers and authorities to use these tools for early detection of invasions and rapid eradication. 4) Raise awareness about joint services available in Universities in natural resource management and environmental protection. 5) Exchange of information on potential eradication strategies between SU and DU to strengthen cooperation for effective joint monitoring of invasions coupled with authority information on affected areas. TEAMWORK territory encompasses part of Lielupe and Daugava river basins in cross-border area. Project activities are designed to 2 target groups which differ in background of knowledge (basic and advanced levels) and usage of natural resources. Campaign on raising environmental awareness (28 seminars, 4 trainings for farmers and authorities, 24 education videos, and homepage) will be implemented. Joint environment protection activities will be implemented through 64 expeditions, 3 meetings and joint environmental invasion monitoring system (interactive map, user manual, guidebook) will be created. Regional cooperation will be increased between local inhabitants and scientists especially employing newly created system for interactive communication and consultation. Both Universities are in really good competitive situation, because competences, infrastructures and experiences complements each other to provide full service pack for target group in border areas.