The cross-border SMEs are facing daily problems and technological challenges that could be overcome thanks to innovative emerging technologies. The statistics also show that the R&D and innovation indicators in the cross-border region remain well behind national averages. The goal of the TECH2FAB project is, therefore, to pool the skills of the different partners on both sides of the Franco-Belgian border and to share state-of-the-art equipment in three cross-border technology demonstration units. It therefore aims to put the spotlight on these facilities and their possibilities for the industries of the regions involved, and to better understand the scientific and technical needs of these companies, allowing them to come up with quick and innovative solutions to the problems they encounter. To this end, three cross-border technology demonstration units (DU) will be implemented around three themes (dry surface treatments, alternative manufacturing technologies for ceramics and composite materials, and consolidation technologies by sintering). Synergistic pooling of both intellectual and technological resources on either side of the border contributes to offering companies in the cross-border region a range of local services and technological facilities.